Herzog Global

About Herzog Global

Herzog Global provides innovative online resources for Jewish education, as well as professional development opportunities for teachers, principals, and administrators in Israel and throughout the Jewish world. By empowering Jewish educators, Herzog Global enhances the teaching of Tanakh and Jewish values.

Herzog’s professional development offerings include:

Contact Herzog Global today for a free consultation to discuss how you and your school can benefit from Herzog’s professional development programs.

Reuven Spolter
Rimonim Graduates

Online Resources for Jewish Education

Herzog Global is the premier provider of online tools and resources for Jewish educators and students alike.
We invite you to explore our range of resources and let us know which tools you utilize.

Herzog’s online resources for teachers, parents, and students:

  • Hatanakh.com is “the Google of the Bible” where Biblical texts come alive with coded maps and multi-media tools, for hands-on interactive study and exploration.
  • MiDor Le’Dor intergenerational Parshah sheets for families, communities and schools.
  • Kitah digital teaching resources for Torah & Navi classes.
  • The Tanakh is our Story is a program of lesson plans for middle school teachers
  • Peshuto Shel Mikra 929 Tanakh Study Group on Facebook and WhatsApp.
  • Da’at is the internet’s most comprehensive Hebrew resource for Judaism and education, with half a million visitors per month.
  • Hayinu K’cholmim gamified Tanakh learning tools for middle school children in Hebrew, Spanish, and English.
  • Lev La’Da’at, a joint venture between Herzog College and the Israeli Education Ministry in Hebrew, helps teachers plan more meaningful and relevant lessons for their students.
  • Herzog’s YouTube Channel includes hundreds of shiurim from distinguished lecturers on a wide variety of subjects taught at the college and the annual Yemei Iyun B’Tanakh.

Rimonim: Training Diaspora Educators

Herzog College’s Rimonim International Teacher Training Program for Judaic Studies teachers comprises a two-year course of online study, classroom mentoring, and an experiential summer seminar in Israel. Graduates receive a Teaching Certificate for Diaspora Educators through the Israeli Ministry of Education.

This highly subsidized program is currently being offered in Spanish and English. Academic level coursework includes Bible and Talmud Studies, Jewish History, techno-pedagogy, and 21st Century Educational Challenges.

Our third cohort of students for 2023-2024 is now fully subscribed. 

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