The Philip and Edith Leonian Foundation
In 2018, The Leonian Multimedia Studio, located on Herzog’s Alon Shvut campus, was renovated and upgraded thanks to a 5-year grant from the Leonian Foundation.
Dr. and Mrs. Noach Prywes in memory of Menahem Prywes, z”l
The auditorium at Hechal Shlomo was dedicated and renovated in memory of Noach’s brother Menahem Prywes z’l – a passionate advocate of renewed Jewish settlement of the Land of Israel. At age 17, Menahem was brutally killed by British police for protesting the White Paper limiting Jewish settlement in Palestine in 1940.
The Irving Moskowitz Foundation
The Irving Moskowitz Classroom Building on Herzog’s Migdal Oz campus for women will be erected and dedicated in 2020 in memory of Dr. Irving Moskowitz, z’l.
Yemei Iyun B’Tanakh
The world’s largest Tanakh conference, attended by more than 5,000 participants each summer in Gush Etzion. Taking place 16-19 July, 2023.
Tvunot Publishing House
Herzog College prints and distributes various academic and research publications, including scholarly books, periodicals and journals.
Kehillot Lomdot
A Herzog College Tanakh learning initiative for those following the 929 program of learning a daily chapter of the Bible.
Women’s Halachic Writing
A Beit Midrash program supporting the development of female voices in halachic discourse, through coursework and publication of scholarly articles.
Multimedia Studio
Studios where Herzog College’s digital learning team creates online course materials and lectures for training teachers throughout the Jewish world.
Yesodot Online
Promotes Jewish democratic discourse and Jewish identity in the Israeli school system while building bridges between the secular and religious populations of Israel.
Lev Lada’at Online
Herzog College’s online resource for creating meaningful and relevant lesson plans to engage 21st century students in Hebrew.